Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

How to Wash and Shine tire with turtlewax ICE

How to Wash and Shine tire with turtlewax ICE

I am going to show you the tire wash and shine application process here. Enjoy the pictures below!


Let’s start with a pail and some tools. Water hose as well. Here are 2 washer liquid to show you: Turtle wax F21 wheel cleaner and Korean bullsone wheel cleaner. Both clean as well. I believe all brands deliver the same result in cleaning work, the different is just the method of applying the cleaning agent. And consumer preferences! No matter is Mother, Merguiars, Turtle, Bullsone or any other brand you name can name it.

Here is the tire ready for service!


Turn on the spray bottle towards the tire. The same action for Bullsone. More pictures. Do let the wheel/tire stay for a few minutes to let the cleaner agent penetrate and do the work.


After that rinse water towards the tire. You can choose with washer pressure or just a simple water rinsing. Brush the tire using tire brush.


After washed, leave it to dry.


Now is the time for Tire shining! Use the simplest method with ICE tire shine. The good thing for this stuff is the ICE Tire Shine comes along with brush attached. You can just take it out and brush on the rubber tire will do. Simple and easy enough.


You can choose to spray on the tire or spray on the brush then apply it on the rubber surface.
I will choose to spray on the brush and then rub/apply it only on the tire surface.

Let's take afew weeks later and check again of the outcome. I conclude this in below paragraph as well.


Here is the photo captures after 3 weeks.

Some of the user finds difficulties to maintaining the shine is not because of the product content itself but the method of doing the work. Do clean the tire well and let it dry before apply the tire shine. Something go for other brand of tire dressing.

If you find your tire do not shine well, make sure you did in the right way.

Do remember that if your tire is old rubber, some of the tire rubber had been faded after years. Hence In this case then the tire shine will need be apply more of the content of more frequently. And it will not as shine as new tire. Do make sure we always dress our tire to protect the rubber.

My suggestion is reapply it more frequent. This tire here had been use for 2 years. It was a faded rubber after exposed much under the hot sun.

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