Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Wax for Optimal Protection

Why a single layer of carnauba isn’t working all year round

Don’t get me wrong… your traditional carnauba wax is still protecting your paint. Just not as optimally as this new line of products – typical waxes are more effective in moderate climates or seasons, but are not optimized for extremes that we experience across the entire country. Typically I recommend layering waxes for multiple reasons, but the main is simply added protection. You can always wax over carnauba once it has bonded to the surface, and with that said, many car people layer two or even three product types to add a deeper shine and significantly improved protection. This is where our seasonal waxes can step in; while protecting more effectively than a regular carnauba would, you can still wax over it with another wax product to go the extra mile. I guess now is a good time to coin the phrase ‘your wax is only as good as the layer below it.’ What I mean by that is if, for example, say you just waxed your new BMW with a traditional carnauba paste wax and it happens to be 108˚F in L.A… Well, your paint can reach well over 20˚F higher than the temperature outside, and while carnauba’s official melting point is 182˚F, that microscopic (and much more heat sensitive) layer of protection is going to start slowly melting right off of the surface – leaving your car unprotected unless you had another layer of sealant below it. Don’t believe me? Try it. Give your hood a nice wax with a liquid or paste carnauba, remove the excess with a microfiber cloth and let it sit in the sun on a hot day (over 90˚F)… then bring the car into the garage or a shaded area and let it cool. There won’t be wax on your hood.

While this is only a fraction of what was considered to develop this protection line, you get a sense of the different elements that your car is exposed is in each season, and what’s typically recognized as a struggle in the world of car enthusiasts and detailers. With this knowledge, and a bit of scientific research to back them up, each wax we created is optimized for the specific season it’s meant to be used in. Keep in mind we always recommend waxing four times per year, due to the longevity of carnauba protection (1-3 months depending on brand), in order to keep one’s paint finish protect year round. Rather than using the same carnauba wax or paint season all year round however, it makes more sense to use less wax and apply seasonally optimized protection at the start of every season that has been formulated to not fade away even during the most extreme conditions in every season – be it wax-melting heat in summer or corrosive road salt in winter. And so, now that you’ve heard our motivation and intent for this line of seasonally optimized waxes, I hope you’ll stay tuned for 1. the launch, and 2. the follow up to this blog that will dive into the (seasonal, but also regional – as you’ll soon see) benefits and uses of this unique paint protection line.

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