Rabu, 28 November 2012


Are you able to make up the interpretation of this picture?

Since it is not a "Mona Lisa" potrait, it's siply a tub of wax and a bottle of a label "coatings".
Many had asked me what is these coatings stuff that spreads like wildfire globally.? Globally?
Not sure, maybe.

Well, I could make these stuff relatively very cheap. But I do hear that in some e-commerce, it is not cheap and comes in a small bottle. However, on the contrary, customers were made to pay thousands of Malaysian ringgit for such application per car.! Moreover, it comes with "WARRANTY"!!! That makes it much more than interesting. Warranty?

In my earlier articles concerning "Oxidation".......I guess not enough fans reading it, Don't they get it? What could possibly stop oxidation? It's a law of nature!

I rest my case. To me, natural wax is the way to go. Periodical maintenance is common sense. Anyone wanting to defy oxidation, would probably resurrect Denham Harman or Johann Joachim Becher. 

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