Kamis, 06 September 2012

Changing your Air and Oil Filters the Importance!

September 6, 2012

Keeping your Air and Oil filters clean will drastically will provide you with a more efficient running vehicle, improves fuel consumption and prevents costly engine repairs to your vehicle. These items especially the Air Filter, gets over looked, as part of your regular maintenance program.

These items are the most inexpensive to be replace and are constantly over looked with regular maintenance programs, but have such an importance to keeping your vehicle running smooth and effectively for a long time. So how do these filter play such an important part with how your vehicle performance.

Air filters allow your engine to breath much more easily and performing at it's peak performance.  Next time you have driven on a long trip, check the front grill and licence plate. It will look pretty disgusting, with the splatter of bugs, sap, leaves and other grime items, which could also make it's way into the engine bay. If these items get pass the air intake and into the engine, it could cause abrasion or corrosion, exactly the two things you definitely do not need or want to happen.

Now with a clean Air Filter, chance are very good that these grime items will never make it pass the Air filter which is also protected in a plastic box, providing addition protection against the possibility of contaminants getting inside your engine intake. If you allow the Air Filter to become dirty and filled with all the above contaminants, then your Air filter will not do the job is is designed to do. Your vehicle will starve from a lack of air, which the combustion process needs to make power more efficiently. Causing your engine to work harder and increase in fuel consumption robbing you engine of power.

This is what a dirty Air Filter looks like
This is what a dirty Air Filter Looks like!
This is what a clean Air Filter Looks Like
This is what a clean Air Filter looks like
Now lets share what the purpose of an Oil Filter is designed to do for your vehicle. No bigger then a normal coffee mug provides a crucially important job for such a small package. Think of it as your kidney cleaning your blood, a vehicles Oil filter keeps your engine oil clean of all impurities. Preventing many of the contaminants such as metal shavings, specks of dirty and other elements that some how get into your engine.

These contaminants will eventually lead to engine damage, providing low oil pressure and wearing down engine bearings.  this is why you should always have your Oil filter changed with every new oil change. With a clean Oil filter will provide a shield to your engine from harmful floating contaminants in the dirty oil.

Always have these items looked after and it will save you much unneeded grief and provide you with peace of mind from expensive engine repairs. Also the amount of money you will save just on your fuel consumptions, savings on one tank of gas will cover both items...

This is what a dirty Oil filter Looks like
dirty Oil filter as you can see all the  grime it
has collected!
This is what a clean Oil Filter looks like
This is what a clean oil filter should look like
big difference!

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