Kamis, 13 November 2014

Winter Driving in Saskatchewan

How well did you prepare your vehicle for winter? Here are some things to remember and some tips to help ready yourself for a winter trip. Plan to be safe this winter when you are out on the road, reducing the stress of winter driving.

Have your vehicle inspected and serviced to be sure you won’t break down in the cold. Winter conditions with snow, cold and icy roads demand that a vehicle be in top condition. For this reason, a winter readiness inspection is a necessity, and in the end is less annoying and less costly than battery boosts, calling a tow truck, being late and those unplanned hotel stays half way to your destination.

Before it’s too late and you’re on the side of the road or worse, stopped in the middle of the road, give us a call, e-mail or book online to set up an appointment for your vehicle. You will know the condition of your vehicle and what needs to be done for safe winter driving.

Having a block heater on your car and using it when temperatures are colder than -150c is the least expensive way to prevent engine damage from cold winter starts; just make sure you unplug before driving away.

Remember; daytime running lights on your vehicle usually only have the headlights on, not the park lights. They provide less light than when you turn the lights on yourself. At dusk or inclement weather you need to turn the lights on manually so others can see you from the front and the back; swirling snow, fog and cloudy days make it difficult to see and to be seen.

Tips before you head out on the road each day:

·        Unplug the car
·        Brush the snow off your car.
·        Scrape the windshield, rear and side windows.
·        Clear your heater air intake (this is usually between the windshield and the hood).
·        Clean your headlights, tail lights and signal lights.
·        Be sure to clear your tissue boxes, sunglasses, papers, etc., away from defroster                  outlets or your windows won’t clear properly.

For out of town or even for short trips, follow this link for information on what survival equipment to take with you in your vehicle: http://crestviewautoservice.blogspot.ca/2014/10/prepared-for-winter.html

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